Adriano Care SOCIMI, S.A. (Adriano) is a Spanish company, which has the main objective of creating a senior living real estate portfolio, with the purpose of investing in the improvement and transformation of the senior living sector as to improve the well-being of our senior citizens. This requires active asset management of the acquired portfolio.

The company is registered under the Spanish REIT Regime (Sociedad Anónima Cotizada de Inversión Inmobiliaria (SOCIMI)) and has been listed in the BME ("Bolsas y Mercados Españoles") Growth since the 25th May, 2021.

The Company is governed by the Board of Directors, with proven experience. Their mission is to manage Adriano Care, by supervising its operations and investments.

Adriano is a vehicle externally managed by Azora, a Spanish independent asset manager focused on real estate investments. Azora was founded in 2003 and has a team of c. 300 professional experts who currently manage more than €6.5bn of assets under management.